Any significant level of achievement is directly correlated with the total number of HARD decisions a person is willing to make. The Hard Choice Habits is a belief that the highest levels of growth, prosperity, and advancement are earned through an accumulation of hard choices. The Hard Choice Habits are anchored in a binary framework of rules that creates a simple, repeatable processes that can be adapted to any situation.

Hard Choice Habits are developed because they are repeatable and in essence can be practiced.   Because all of our decisions can be reduced to the binary state of “easy or hard”, humans are afforded the opportunity to practice making hard decisions.  The availability of purposeful practice provides exercises to create a work-out for your decisions, so the Hard Choice Habit framework allows a person to strengthen their metaphorical decision muscles.  

Throughout human history, people who achieve greatness have been exercising their decision muscles through the subconscious act of choosing one hard choice after another. For some of these people, the hard choice was the only choice; while for others making the hard choice was a result of discipline.   It is the personalized nature of the Hard Choice Habit that powers the third characteristic - adaptability. 

The “hard” choice is ultimately in the eye of the beholder.  What is hard for one person, may be easy for the other. The Hard Choice Habits not only allow for the variation found in the thousands of decisions faced throughout our day,  but the process also allows for the unique attributes of each decision maker. The Hard Choice Habits account for the genetic strengths and weaknesses of each decider.

Wayne Dyer said, “Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.”  My goal is to expand Mr. Dyer’s statement.  Research has proven that a successful life is the sum total of the HARD choices that we have made.   There is a proportional relationship between the total number of HARD choices that a person makes and the ultimate level of personal accomplishment.  The HARD choices are the payment required for fulfillment, happiness, and progress.  Achievement of any type correlates to the sum of hard choices a person makes.